At DEKO we aim to have both a good working environment for our employees and excellent quality when it comes to services and materials for our customers. That is why we are certified. This obliges us continuously to improve working environment, safety and quality for the benefit of our employees and customers.
Our certification:
DEKO are health and safety certified in accordance with ISO 45001. Through this certification we have achieved excellent results and an efficient, positive health and safety system. In 2016, we introduced the ISO 9001 quality management system into the company, and in October 2016 we were awarded an ISO 9001 certificate with no qualifying notes. Together with our quality policy, our ISO 9001 certification represents our assurance of quality in both contractor services and delivery of materials.
At DEKO we constantly aim to maintain and improve our systems. This work is the responsibility of our HSQ Manager, who is in charge of the operation of the ISO 45001 working environment system and the ISO 9001 quality system, so both systems are constantly updated and reflect developments in the company.
Our policies:
In terms of work environment, quality and safety at work, and in our competencies, DEKO’s strategic direction is reflected in our approach to the areas of occupational safety and health policy and quality policy. On an on-going basis, DEKO’s executives follow up on both goals and policy, and we constantly publish information about our work on our website.
DEKO’s occupational health and safety policy:
By means of preventive occupational safety and health work, DEKO’s policy is to ensure that no employee in the company is exposed to greater risks than the best insight and knowledge warrant, and to assess these risks so that no employee is injured or incurs work-related disorders. Our efforts to ensure a good working environment and improved safety in the workplace include:
Communicating openly about occupational health and safety impacts associated with our jobs and processes Making sure that all employees act responsibly in terms of occupational health and safety Making demands on our subcontractors and suppliers to respect DEKO’s working environment and legislative conditions Reducing working environment strain through prevention Informing, training and educating our employees in matters of occupational health and safety Involving employees in our work on occupational health and safety, and informing them of the company’s intentions in the area, and its importance for the individual employeeDEKO’s quality policy:
At DEKO we are devoted to providing services and products of the highest quality, so that we always provide our customers with a highly satisfactory product. That is why we work on the basis of three quality objectives:
100% flawless material deliveries. We achieve this through well-defined, well-documented products, controlled production and highly efficient, systematic logistics. 100% flawless contracting work. We guarantee this on the basis of clear guidelines, talented, well informed, highly qualified DEKO carpenters and own-check of execution and end product. At least 5 overall improvement measures per year. The result is that DEKO is constantly evolving, making sure that we are completely up to date in terms of both products and workmanship.The above mean that we strive:
To ensure that all employees focus on a high level of safety and are familiar with the current objectives and policies To supply the right service and product at the right time and, on an on-going basis, to improve the quality of the products and services we make and deliver To comply with all relevant customer requirements and all legal and regulatory requirements, along with standards in the context of purchase, production, services and the tasks we perform To contribute actively to ensure the best possible staff training/development, including compliance with current policy and objectives To set in motion preventive/improving measures to address any discrepancies If you have any further questions regarding the above, please contact our HSQ Manager, Henrik Kristensen on +45 40 29 15 29